Important Information

Contact Senior Naval Science Instructor CDR Rick Jordan, USN (ret) Email: Phone: 760-787-4151

Naval Science Instructor Master Sergeant Allan Snow, USMC (ret) Email: Phone: 760-787-4151

Instagram - rhs.bulldogcompany

Ramona NJROTC Bulldog Company

What's it like being a Ramona Cadet?

Being a Ramona Cadet is about perseverance. It's defining your limits and pushing past. It's about demanding one more from you and your teammates when you feel like you have nothing left. It's never taking the easy route because only mediocre people are always at their best.

Being a Ramona Cadet is about tradition. It's wearing the uniform with pride during your personnel inspection. It's about carrying on a legacy of commitment from those who blazed a trail before me and leaving a stronger unit than I found for those who follow after me. It's looking for ways to make your Platoon the best it can be. It's representing the unit and the United States Navy to the best of your ability during color guards or community service events.

Being a Ramona Cadet is about camaraderie. It's that instant connection you feel to all others in the program. It's creating memories and unbreakable bonds with teammates. It's acting in unison to bond as a group. It's pride. It's passion. And, most of all, it is excellence.

Being a Ramona cadet is about competition. It's about fighting every day to be the best Platoon or best unit at Area 11 competitions. It's about honor. It's that feeling you get when you wear the uniform or Ramona warm-ups. It's about ensuring those around you are successful, too.

Being a Ramona Cadet is about accomplishing more in and out of the classroom than you though was possible.

Current Schedule

Monday: ELT 0900-1000 Tuesday: Period 1 0815-0845; Period 2 0900-0930; Period 3 0945-1015; Period 4 1030-1100; Period 5 1115-1145; Period 6 1200-1230 Wednesday: Period 1 0900-1000; Period 2 1030-1130 Thursday: Period 3 0900-1000; Period 4 1030-1130 Friday: Period 5 0900-1000; Period 6 1030-1130


Monday: Inspection, Color Guard, Armed Basic, Unarmed Basic, Academics, Marksmanship

Tuesday: Armed Exhibition, Unarmed Exhibition, Physical Fitness, CYBER, Marksmanship

Wednesday: Armed Exhibition, Unarmed Exhibition, Marksmanship

Thursday: Armed Exhibition, Unarmed Exhibition, Armed Basic, Unarmed Basic, Academics, Marksmanship

Friday: Physical Fitness, Academics

Distant Learning Google Classroom

2 years ago

By Bob Richardson

Google classroom instructon

All students must log into google classroom

In the upper righthand corner, click on the plus (+) sign to "join a class". 

Then enter the following code: ulq3sqc 

Assignments will then be available.

NJROTC Quarterdeck - Google Classroom - code: ld6adsa

I have created a quarterdeck "Blog" for you to ask questions, share stories of your "social distancing", or whatever you feel like talking about.  When you sign in, check in with your favorite social distancing activity this week. - Chief