New technological developments are constantly reshaping the standard for digital creation in Media & Design Arts. In order to successfully prepare students for this ever-changing and evolving industry, they will need both in-depth and broad preparation for what may be expected of them in such a career. This course is designed to address those expectations by introducing students to a brief history and the core basics of content creation: graphic design, photography, video production, and audio production. This course would also act as a foundational course for two separate advanced courses, allowing students the opportunity to decide which areas of content creation they would like to develop further
Introduction to theory, mechanics, optics, lighting principles, and practices of photography using Digital Cameras. Explores the history, aesthetics, and the conceptualization of photographic imagery. Photographic seeing is emphasized. Includes practices and procedures for image capture, asset management, software developing, printing, finishing and presentation and critique. Students are required to have an adjustable digital camera with manual exposure and RAW format capabilities. This course will explore more obscure and advanced photography techniques and will take a deeper dive into the world of graphic design, as well as introduce various methods of printing and/or transferring student photography and graphic designs onto a variety of mediums. PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Digital Multimedia
This course provides the theory, terminology, and operation of single camera film and video production as it applies to narrative storytelling for film and television. Areas of study include basic elements of screenwriting and production design, cinematography including camera operation, digital video and audio recording and basic editing techniques. It focuses on the aesthetics and fundamentals of scripting, producing, directing on location, post-production and exhibition/distribution. This course will explore the rising popularity of audio media, and students will be educated on and trained in: Radio, Podcasting, Live Broadcasting, and Audio for Film. This course will also take a deeper exploration into the history of and aspects of the film industry, and students will be trained in: Film Pre-Production, Production, Post-Production, Film Genres, and Film Styles. PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Digital Multimedia